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Home High School Build Your Own Course

Now Your Students Can Experience It All In A Single Virtual Business Course

With the brand-new Build Your Own Virtual Business Course feature launching in August, Virtual Business All-Access license owners can easily mix and match lessons from multiple Virtual Business sims to seamlessly create your own Virtual Business course completely unique to your classroom. Easy and automatic grading of your newly designed course.

You Asked, and We Delivered – Build Your Own Course

Selecting from more than 80 lessons from every Virtual Business simulation, you can now build your own course in the Virtual Business LMS. Select two retailing lessons, an accounting lesson, three sports and entertainment marketing lessons – any combination of lessons as you design your unique Virtual Business curriculum – unique to your classroom

Then and Now

Old Way of Combining Lessons from Multiple Sims Students have to enroll in multiple courses and sims. You assign students – open Virtual Business Retailing and do two lessons. Open Virtual Business Accounting and do three lessons, etc. Average and weight grades manually for each student. Not easy – at all.

Now – Easily Build Your Own Course Select the Virtual Business lessons for your class flow. Students log in and seamlessly move from one Virtual Business lesson to the next – selected from more than 80 possible lessons from every VB sim. One, easy integrated grading process just like any Virtual Business simulation.

Build your own Virtual Business Course for Your Classroom today – just the latest benefit to Virtual Business All-Access. All Access license gives you access to all eight Virtual Business simulations (80+ Virtual Business lessons), free access to any new simulation launched, and the new Build Your Own Course for fall. As always, eligible for Perkins Funding. Call 877-965-3276 or click now to receive a Virtual Business All-Access license quote today.
