2023 DECA/Knowledge Matters Digital Skills Challenge
Student Presentations
Each year students in the DECA chapters across the nation have the opportunity to take part in the DECA/Knowledge Matters Digital Presentation Skills Challenge. Students create a 1-2 minute digital presentation utilizing a Knowledge Matters Virtual Business simulation. The main topic is solely up the student. They can present on strategies they use in the simulation, discuss real-world business stories and illustrate the stories with sim exercises, or even present on their own lives and how they relate to the simulations.
Eight finalists move forward and get to share a longer presentation to a panel of judges and then the top three winners are recognized and awarded case prizes at DECA’s biggest event, the International Career Development Conference (ICDC). The eight 2023 finalists are featured below.
Explore Our Student Presentations
I’ve connected the key aspects of Virtual Business learning to my experiences in planning, setting up, managing, operating, and marketing our school store.
I had zero experience before using Virtual Business simulations and I’ve learned a lot about marketing in a short period of time.
Virtual Business Simulations provide a place to not just learn about finance, but to immerse yourself in it.
What Virtual Business simulations have done for me is… connect my business learnings to a practical setting.
Pick up years of business knowledge in just a few weeks. Virtual Business provides an opportunity to gain experience in the business world.
Gain real world experience without the real world risk. Knowledge Matters simulations are very easy to learn and understand and you can gain a ton of knowledge.
In the Knowledge Matters promotion with social media lesson, we can see how someone would design an ad or design a post and make sure to include the most important elements.
Learn More About the DECA/Knowledge Matters Presentation Skills Challenge
Student Testimonials

Irondequoit High School
Cayden compares her experiences at a professional sport event to what she learned through the Knowledge Matters Virtual Simulations. She enjoyed seeing how what she learned applied in the real world. Cayden also explains how she is motivated to take her career in a certain direction thanks to the simulations.

Hoover High School
Marley describes how she was able to apply what she learned through the Knowledge Matters simulations to her retail experience working at Forever 21. The Simulations excite her about learning business through fashion and retail since that is something she is passionate about.